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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Picking up where I left off . .

So- I basically just  had a crazy gaming period where I gamed for 6 hours straight! I am beginning to find this game addicting . .and always want to know what is right around the corner .. :)

First thing I did, after having gotten all the bottle caps from the woman, was I headed back to megaton. Soon as I walked in to Moriarty's saloon, I met a certain Mr. Burkes. He made me a proposal . .if I was to detonate the nuclear bomb that sat at the bottom of Megaton, that I would receive a hefty reward. Being evil and all, I decided I just had to do it! He said to meet him at Tenpenny tower. With that I wandered over to Moriarty and received information that my dad was somewhere over at GNR (Galaxy News Radio) for the fee of 100 caps. After leaving the saloon I made my way to the bomb, and tried to set it off, but realized I was not at a high enough level in explosives :( I changed objectives from the bomb to finding my dad for the moment, and used whatever bottle caps I had left  to buy some Stimpaks (overall health boost) and Radaway (radiation eliminator).

Moriarty said to go to the big city and to Galaxy News to find dad, so thats where I headed! After wandering through the wasteland for a bit, I came up to the city of Grayditch and realized they had giant ass fire ants everywhere! Not necessarily fun :/  I found for the ants that a good technique was to first throw a grenade at them, then hit them with a long range gun, and keep backing up as they come at you. If you don't- hello barbicued Kelsey! With some time, rifles, and keeping my distance, I was able to work through them to an entrance to the Metro system. I saved often, as they were a pain and died at least 5 times within 5 minutes when I tried defeating the first ant i saw.

In the Metro- a little box popped up and told me that I had gained the ability to fast travel! So anytime I look at my map- that I am able to click on a location I had already been at and "teleport" there. The only exception, of course, is Metro tunnels. For some weird reason, you can't teleport in or out of them. Reallllly big pain in the ass! As you have to hike in or out of them to teleport for aid (ammo, health). gained the ability to fast travel. Anyways, in the Metro there weren't too many different ways you could go, but there were fire ants everywhere :( After using the aforementioned technique, I made it through them and to Falls Church Metro! (which is actually a station, not tunnel, so teleportable). Soon as i stepped outside I was met with this beauty:

Efffffff, I hate Super Mutants! Really radiated ghoulish creatures with shotguns, awesome. So I picked up some ammo I found and hid behind some poles till I knew how many I was up against, turned out to be 4 of them! Way to many for my lack of dealing with them at this point. I killed 2 out of dumb luck shooting, no technique involved, and the other two killed me more times than I could count! Somewhere between 7 and 8 times. I knew I was out-ammoed, so I made a break for the Metro tunnel door where I knew I could backtrack and fast travel from Grayditch to Megaton for supplies. I should mention, too, that once you kill an enemy- I am 99% sure that they don't regenerate!! Other enemys might travel into the area where you killed the initial one, but, the initial ones don't regenerate! So nice :)

After replenishing health and ammo, I headed back to take the Super Mutants down! But low and behold, when I got there, they were all dead! In the immediate vicinity, that is. I looked around and found a couple dead Brotherhood of Steal members and then it made sense. When listening to GNR I had heard the the Brotherhood members were dedicated to taking down the Super Mutants around the city. For these guys, it didn't end well though :/. I was able to take their armor though, but not able to use it! Because it requires training . .and I am not exactly where and when I could be trained how to use it? hmm.

I continued on for a little bit to find more Super Mutants. The best strategy I could find was to get some height on them, on top of a building worked for me, and then to snipe them from afar, right to the head. Head shots are the only thing that works because they have armor everywhere else! I ended up killing 5 of them with little health damage to me, before I ran out of ammo and needed to retreat to Megaton one again. I then leveled up soon after killing the fourth Super Mutant, to level four, and with it came the skill points I needed to become a level 25 explosives! I also picked the Scoundrel trait- where every time I level up I get some extra points towards speech so that I can schmooze people better ;)

Fast traveled to Megaton and made my way down to the bomb! I clicked to activate it and it said it is all ready to be detonated from a safe distance. I knew then that I would have to make my way over to Tenpenny Towers, and so I did. On the way I didn't run in to many enemies except for a Yao Gui! Giant radiated bears that can do some serious damage. He ended up killing me actually. And the next time I ventured over that direction, I made sure to alter my path just a little so that I didn't have to run into him again! Walking up to Tenpenny tower was like seeing a skyscraper not in the middle of a city. Easily the tallest building around for miles. (Not to mention when I actually got there that the inside (pic to the upper-right) was jaw dropping stunning for being in a nuclear wasteland) When I was next to the gate, I man asked me for water, and I told him "to find your own damn water." This really stuck out to me, I felt extreme guilt being rude to someone so helpless :( I left him and walked up to the gate to see a terrible looking creature trying to get into the tower. The creature, which turned out to be a Ghoul, was trying to neonate entrance but the security guard just would't have it. The creature, Roy Phillips, left in a huff and I walked up to the gate and told them I was here to see Mr. Burkes. They let me right in!

I asked the security guard what all the problems were with the Ghouls and he said that they are trying to get in but it just isn't the right place for them and they they shouldn't even exist (in so many words). I told him that I would take care of their little Ghoul problem in exchange for some bottle caps. He heartily agreed. I made my way inside and up to the penthouse level where Mr. Burkes, Mr. Tenpenny, and a detonator was waiting for me. With little to no hesitation I blew up Megaton and watched as the giant mushroom cloud lit up the sky. Both of the men were so impressed with my work that they offered me my own penthouse suite! I couldn't possibly turn that down, so I went and checked out my new digs. It came complete with a balcony that offered amazing views of the wasteland, bed, storage and my own personal flying robot that gave me water, or a joke, or just help in general. After sleeping for 12 hours, my health was refreshed and I was really to take on some Ghouls.

I should really explain what Ghouls are before going any farther. There is the friendly, just highly radiated Ghoul that can still talk and act like a normal human, but has the chance that they might transform into a feral Ghoul at some point? Example of a Ghoul:
Feral Ghouls are straight up brainless, zombie like creatures. Feral Ghoul:

And let me just say, those F***er's are fast!!! Luckily they are always unarmed though, so relatively easy to kill. I made my way into the Warrington Metro Tunnels where they hang out, as well as Roy Phillips. Eventually I made it up to Roy and offed him and the other Ghouls along the way. Feel kinda bad for killing him as I know that he would never have had to harm me :/. After finishing my quest I went back to the security guard at the tower and he paid me 500 caps for my work. Starting to feel a little rich and greedy! But hey, at least I will fit in at the tower, where everyone is a bit rich, snobby and greedy. With all tasks finished concerning Megaton and the tower, I resumed my task to find my dad!

I fast traveled to Grayditch and went back into the tunnel. However before leaving the tunnel to go to Super Mutant land, I found there was another part of the tunnel I hadn't explored. I then was shocked to meet a scientist who said that he was the one at fault for creating fire ants. He had done an injection that went wrong, and thus they mutated into ants that shoot fire. He asked for my help to kill the Queen's 5 nest guards so that he could get in to his equipment in the nest to make sure that the next generation of ants would be less flame-y. I only agreed to help because he offered a special mutagen for me if I helped him out. And being the greedy person that I am, I jumped on that offer! Making my way towards the Queen and killing the guards was pretty hard! I died 3 or so times, but finally had all the guards finished. After reporting back to the scientist, he injected my with Ant Might. Which allowed me to carry more weight and also be affected by the any fire 25% less than I normally would be! Pretty sweet deal i'd say. With 6 hours under my belt, I decided to call it quits for now!

Overall Stats:
Still 21 kills (haven't killed any humans for awhile)
72 Creature Kills (Super Mutants, Fire ants, Feral Ghouls)
I died at least 13 times

How I feel:
Somewhat empowered! Not in the, i am going to turn evil bit, but, It sure is nice to be able to take what you want, whenever you want it! On the flip side however, when I do have to kill innocent people It does bother me . .They didn't deserve that. Saying the mean thing in conversations is hard sometimes too, as that is just not what I would ever say to someone! (at least not to their face). Being evil is hard work! That is for sure.

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