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Friday, March 9, 2012

Lets go downtown!

Basically I always start out at Tenpenny tower, if I am ever anywhere else and need aid- I always resort back to the tower. So I headed out from the tower and made my way to the west, as Rivet city is in the far right corner of the map.Of course! They never make it easy to get there :)

Speaking of the map, it is SO LARGE! Each cell, what they call a square portion of the map, takes a relatively long time to get across. Not to mention certain enemys only spawn when you walk past their section in the cell, so you have to watch out for that as well. Could explain why on the way to Rivet City I ran into a random Protectron in the middle of no where? The majority of the map is capital wasteland, but there is a good portion that is what is supposed to be downtown DC (the lighter portion in the bottom right corner). The metro system downtown is supposed to be representative of what the subways actually look like in real life. I thought that was pretty cool.interesting! I have only explored . .maybe 1/3 of the map and have been playing for 15 hours . .it's that immense. :)

So before I could get to Rivet City just yet, I found the Nuka Cola plant. I just had to check it out! When I went inside it looked like pretty much every other building in the wasteland; dilapidated. I looked around the front part for a little before I heard an approaching robot. I hid and waited for it to show up in the room and it turned out to be a protectron. After killing it, I made my way towards the factory floor, running into a whole bunch more protectrons along the way. And a few Nuka Cola Quantums! Worth lots of money :) Before long I had made it to a stairwell going down and witnessed a protectron being killed by . .something around the corner? I waited in the doorway for whatever it was to come around the corner. Ahhh crap!! It's a . .Nukalurk?

These glowing, Nuka Cola infected, mutated turtle things, are not to be reckoned with- I quickly found out. :( He charged me and luckily I had a little height on him so I was able to defeat him. But, they are ridiculously challenging because the only vulnerable place that you can hit is their face. Annnnd they only show their face when they are charging you :/. The rest of them is alll shell!

So I made my way past this guy and found two more!! They all but killed me, I would have to run to the water fountain at the front  of the plant to drink some rad infected water for HP after every Nukalurk I would come across. After 3 dead, I came across a computer that needed hacking! I gained 20 XP from the hack. There was some ammo and guns nearby that I was able to take. With the new inventory, I found more stairs that descended into the storage and mixing vats, and into . .some sort of neon blue water? I assumed some sort of Quantum ingredient that leaked into the water. No doubt that it was just full of radiation, too! Yeah, it was. When I got to the bottom of the stairs and turned the corner, Nukalurks everywhere! I was able to lure a couple of them back upstairs to non-infected rad water, and promptly put down a nice little bottle-cap mine to blast them up a little. That did the trick! It took the majority of their HP and I finished them off quickly. I went back downstairs and proceeded to the offices of the building. But, I was severely low on health and stimpaks, so I had to retreat after dying a couple of times, back to the tower.

After some good ol' fashion R and R, I was ready to head out again! I remembered that I hadn't actually gone back to Megaton after I blew it up . .and wanted to go check it out.
I fast traveled to Megaton and wasn't too surprised to see that if you got too close, some heavy radiation was coming your way! I wandered around a little and ended up finding this amazing hidden loot stash! It was in a hollowed out rock, and I found lots of ammo, and a Sniper gun. WOW! That gun is amazing. It worked like a charm! Until it broke :( Now, I am dying to get it fixed. Even though I am sure it will cost a pretty penny to do so. So worth it.

I made my way south once again, trying to finally get to Rivet City! As I ran into some Visious dogs and mole rats, I leveled up to 7! I picked the Black Widow perk- where you get 10% extra damage to male opponents, and you also get "special dialogue" for male characters. Hmmm I'm not sure what that will mean. haha :) I was going along on my way when I saw a super mutant off in the distance, and I was about to pull out my gun when I saw that he was green on the little counter at the bottom that is usually red for enemies. A good super mutant?! What?! I had to see for myself. I went up to him and asked "why the hell is he not a freak?" (or something along  those lines). He responded that he was different from his brothers, and that he tried to teach them to stop fighting and killing, but that they would't listen. Even though I was rather rude when I was talking to him, I could't help but feel compassion for him, a super mutant that was actually able to reckon and reason. When we ended talking he said, "I enjoyed meeting you." I didn't kill him. I couldn't. I didn't really have a reason to. Even though, yes, by technical terms I have "very evil" karma and a "pirate of the wastelands" title ranking, it doesn't have to mean that I kill every single good being that I come across. Evil people can spare people every so often, right?

He walked off and I continued on, finding the Fairfax Ruins along the way. They happen to be infested with Raiders, so after killing a couple of them I grew tired and kept moving. I had better things to do! Walking along I realized that my tactic to get to Rivet City may not actually be the way to get there . I planned to cross the river to the carrier, but there is proooobably a more effective way to do this from north downtown. So with that idea in mind, I teleported to GNR in hopes to explore around it and scope out my traversing options. I did indeed find a new metro tunnel, Fargut Metro, and went inside. Inside I wasn't able to actually go through the tunnel, but I explored the offices and found a handy weapons closet, and lots of feral ghouls! You have to open a gate to get to the ghouls, so after I lock picked it, I shot at the first ghoul and was suprized when BAM! They all caught on fire because apparently there was a gas leak that roasted them all. Hey, that works for me! I kept going and unlocked more door which actually did lead to a metro tunnel.

I was in the metro tunnel below Chevy Chase, which is where I surfaced. I looked a little around that metro entrance and found another metro entrance, Metro Junction. Sounded promising! I explored the various tunnels and found Dupont Circle Metro, and two entrances to Vernon Square. Once outside there just seemed to me super mutants everywhere! Yuck. I snuck around them and went into Our Lady of Hope Hospital. There were a bunch of mutants in there, too. So back out I went! I walked around the corner and found the Statesman Hotel (pic to the right). A bunch of mutants in there, of course. What do they do, breed all of the time? I decided to "woman up" and just take them down. After some "Jet" and stimpaks I was able to take all 5 of them down. Searched around the hotel and found aid, ammo and some Jet! Overall good Haul :) I decided from there to call it a day!

Overall Stats (always means up to this point in the game (except for my deaths))
2.5 Hours played
Killed 10 times

43 People killed
188 Creatures killed
(random) 14 locks picked

Thoughts so far:
The thing that stuck out to me in this game play was that even after killing anything and everything in my way, is Uncle Leo, the nice super mutant, got to me. I couldn't kill him! my overarching question would be, is it possible to be purely evil and not feel anything? Did the worst, evilest rulers in history, Hitler, Stalin for example- feel no compassion at all? Could they, did they, simply turn their emotions off? Did it not bother Hitler that he was the single cause of so many innocent deaths? The mental level of someone that doesn't feel pain and guilt . .is incomprehensible to me. I would never be able to not care, become so jaded. If the case was that it honestly, truly, didn't bother me . .I would think I would have something wrong mentally. Because to not care in my current healthy, mental state, would be in-human.

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