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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Starting Out

Welcome to Vault 101! Where you are safely shielded from all the nuclear wasteland that is the "real world" above you, and above ground. Right off the bat you choose whether you want to be a girl or a boy, then your name, race, face, hair style and color. I stuck with what I actually look like, I mean- just because I am going to play like I normally wouldn't, doesn't mean that I have to look any different than I do in real life, right? In fact I think it hits harder to home for me because I will be able to actually see a character that looks like me do all these bad things, bringing forth true emotion.

After the "birth" scene, it's now one year later and you learn how to walk and talk. Cutscene- nine years later, and it's your birthday. Everybody came out for your birthday, old . . young . . and your dad. The most important gift is the presentation of pip boy 3000 from the vault overseer. 
 The pip boy is crucial to gameplay as it is what you access for weapons, attire, aid, maps, etc. Due to choosing the rude and mean route throughout the game, when I had the option to talk to my fellow party-mates- I was a flat out ass to them. Please excuse the language, but there really isn't any other way to put it! Every option to pick the straight up meanest thing I could say, I picked. While it was somewhat funny, I am not sure how I actually felt about treating all the characters that way :/

Six years later, it was time to take the GOAT exam. So naturally when the prompt came, I told the teacher that I thought "the test is bullshit"- and I made him to do it for me. After the test I didn't have to take, I was prompted with a skills select screen, I choose: lock pick, repair and sneak. All those skills would start out a little higher than the other 15 or so choices.

Three years later, turns out my dad up and left the joint without me! After being violently woken up, I decide to follow him outside the vault and into "the capital wasteland." On the way I had to kill some Vault Security agents and some 'rad-roaches' (radiation infected cockroaches). I also killed one of the boys that called me names as a ten year old kid at my birthday party. After, of course, I refused to help save his mom from the roaches. Eventually I killed the overseer himself, and was able to open his secret tunnel to the vault door. Freedom was mine!

Newly acquainted to the outside world, I was offered some perks. It seemed only fitting to add the thief perk to my collection I had going. My main mission now is to go to megaton to find my faja.

Outside the vault is desolate, barren land. Most of the landscape is large rocks with dying grass, charred trees, radioactive pools of water and killer zombie-like-animals. Some of the animals, if you can even call them that, consist of mole-rats, boat-flys, viscous dogs and I am sure there is more I haven't even seen yet. Among the priorly mentioned in the landscape, there are still dilapidated buildings, freeway overpasses, and whole cities just wanting to be discovered.

First place I did discover was that of the city of Springvale, small but pretty much abandoned. Soon after I found a sign that was spray painted and said megaton with an arrow underneath it. On my way to Megaton I found the Super-Duper Mart! It was filled with raiders! Downright evil bastards, who shoot you as soon as they see you. But, eventually, I killed them all, of course. I especially want to note that I even decapitated someone! One shot to the head and there it went. I also picked my first lock in the Super-Duper Mart! You use both of the joysticks to rotate a bobby pick and the lock.
After looking around their stuff, I found the key to the back room and picked up some nuka colas, (radioactive cola) that are worth a lot in the game- but hard to come by.

Finally after exhausting my ammo supply, food and health from the Mart, I made it to Megaton!
 So, first thing in the door . .apparently I said the wrong thing and had to kill the Sheriff? oops. After that I wasn't sure if I was going to be welcome in the city. But, it seems that the other townspeople didn't hear of the death- so, dodged a bullet there. literally. Megaton visually is what living in a large hole would be like. The sides of the hole are lined in walkways and houses, and at the very bottom is what appears to be a bomb. A large bomb. Not sure how it got there? But I am sure there is a story behind it. So I talked around, stole some food (made a woman mad I stole her food), and eventually found out that after providing some bottle caps to a man my dad had talked to, that I could find out where he went. The unfortunate thing for me, was that I didn't have enough bottle caps to pay the man, so I needed to go back to Springvale to talk to a woman who owed the man bottle caps. I said I would, but then here is where things get interesting! Turns out my game and/or controller glitched right there and then. I 'accidentally' shot at the guy trying to help me and caused a whole uproar of a giant floating robot trying to kill me with another guy as well trying to kill me. Lets just say, I died a lot in between that house and the door to Megaton. About 5 times. Finally I outran them though, and made it outside the doors! Hopefully he will still want to help me when I get back . .? :)

I ventured over to Springvale again and talked to the woman needed for the bottle caps. With some smooth talking, and the speech skill, I was able to talk her into giving me her entire bottle cap collection! 400 caps pocketed :) With that, I hit the save button and turned off the system.

My stats overall are:
2 hours played
21 kills
14 times dying
14 creature kills
3 locks picked
Multiple bad acts and stealing completed

Overall feelings so far:
Intrigued by the evil lifestyle, but needing to play more to really see some true feelings coming out!

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