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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Fall into Fallout

Hello! I am the other half of the this two person team, Kelsey. Here is a little demo of what my gaming experience will be like:

So that in a nutshell, is Fallout 3! You may ask, why pick Fallout 3 instead of Fallout: New Vegas? (which happens to be the newer one of the two). Simply because I first had the chance to watch my roommate play Fallout 3 before she tried New Vegas. We both came to the conclusion that FO3 was the superior game due to the layout and overall plot line. 

Curiously enough, it wasn't until I lived with my last roommate that I actually got into gaming! She has: Xbox 360, N64, wii and PS2, so with all those consoles it was only a matter of time before I was hooked :) When she bought Zelda: Twilight Princess in 2010, I literally went to class, came back and played, ate, came back and played, went to sleep, and eventually in the morning resumed playing. For two weeks! Nothing but Zelda. It was amazing :)

I currently have a PS3, which I got an amazing deal buying for black friday 2011. The games I own are Bioshock, Bioshock 2, Laura Croft: Tomb Raider, Need for Speed: Carbon, Silent Hill: Homecoming, Demon's souls, and of course, Fallout 3. I tend to find myself drawn to darker games (with the exception of NFS) and absolutely love games with some element of steampunk, and/or great music selection. The music in both Bioshocks and FO3 can be thought to be from the 1930's, taking you back to another era! I have always felt I was supposed to have lived in the 20's and 30's, so I find the music suits me quite well :)

Onto the more technical aspects of FO3, what needs to be broken down is what you can actually do in this game that determines the path of good or evil. In the video above, you see that items can be taken from anywhere in the wasteland, for instance: a refrigerator. When the words are in red, that denotes that you will lose karma for taking  the object, however if the words are in green, then you gain karma. Other ways to "become bad" depends on the decisions you make in the game interacting with people, as well. 

As the video says, there is over 100 hours of gameplay in this open map setting, I am only conquering 20 of it! And with that final thought, I am off to game it up!


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